Carrie Etta DAY

Ancestors of Carrie Etta DAY

                                                                    /-Timothy DAY
                                                          /-Joseph DAY
                                                          |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                                                /-William DAY
                                                |         \-Patience HILTON
                                      /-Asa DAY
                                      |         \-Dorothy LITTLEFIELD
                            /-Daniel DAY
                            |         \-An INDIAN
                  /-Daniel DAY
                  |         \-Jane DANFORTH
        /-Marcus Tyrell DAY
        |         \-Hannah Moore LEAVITT
Carrie Etta DAY
        \-Mary Ellen NELSON

Descendants of Carrie Etta DAY

1 Carrie Etta DAY
  =George BURGESS

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Carroll F. DAY

Ancestors of Carroll F. DAY

                                                                    /-Timothy DAY
                                                          /-Joseph DAY
                                                          |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                                                /-William DAY
                                                |         \-Patience HILTON
                                      /-Nathaniel DAY
                                      |         \-Dorothy LITTLEFIELD
                            /-Stephen DAY
                            |         \-Katherine PERKINS
                  /-Lorenzo Dow DAY
                  |         \-Lydia Ann PENDEXTER
        /-Lorenzo DAY
        |         \-Mary Jane KELLEY
Carroll F. DAY
        \-Lizzie E. PERRY

Descendants of Carroll F. DAY

1 Carroll F. DAY
  =Ruby PALMER

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Carter DAY

Ancestors of Carter DAY

                                                          /-Timothy DAY
                                                /-Joseph DAY
                                                |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                                      /-William DAY
                                      |         \-Patience HILTON
                            /-Nathaniel DAY
                            |         \-Dorothy LITTLEFIELD
                  /-Stephen DAY
                  |         \-Katherine PERKINS
        /-Oliver Perkins DAY
        |         \-Lydia Ann PENDEXTER
Carter DAY
        \-Abigail WATSON

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Catherine DAY

Ancestors of Catherine DAY

                                      /-Timothy DAY
                            /-Joseph DAY
                            |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                  /-William DAY
                  |         \-Patience HILTON
        /-Nathaniel DAY
        |         \-Dorothy LITTLEFIELD
Catherine DAY
        \-Rachel PENDEXTER

Descendants of Catherine DAY

1 Catherine DAY
  =James HARMON

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Catherine DAY

Ancestors of Catherine DAY

                                                /-Timothy DAY
                                      /-Joseph DAY
                                      |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                            /-William DAY
                            |         \-Patience HILTON
                  /-Nathaniel DAY
                  |         \-Dorothy LITTLEFIELD
        /-Stephen DAY
        |         \-Katherine PERKINS
Catherine DAY
        \-Lydia Ann PENDEXTER

Descendants of Catherine DAY

1 Catherine DAY
  =Theodore PERKINS

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